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Tech Day Keynote

Tech Day - The Keynote

The keynote for this year's SCD Tech Day not only offers a look back at the events of the past year. Mark Stanley and Daniel Nögel will also provide insights into current projects, talk about the future and their visions for Shopware. And of course it's also about you, our community. What were your achievements of the past year, what will the future bring.

Tech Day Experiences with Composable Frontends: A look behind the scenes

Tech Day - Experiences with Composable Frontends: A look behind the scenes

In this talk, Miriam invites you to gain insight into exciting projects with Composable Frontends. Learn how Storybook can be seamlessly integrated into a component-based development process and the advantages it brings, as well as the challenges that must be overcome. Additionally, she will show you how the shopware B2B components are integrated into a Composable Frontends project and how the new API client can be extended to support custom store API endpoints.

Tech Day About the need to change after an End of Life

Tech Day - About the need to change after an End of Life

When you start working with a specific software, your level of knowledge is initially 0 or, at the very least, at a low point. As time progresses, you accumulate expertise, evolving into a professional with a wealth of knowledge. However, when the "unexpected" end of life for a software is announced, you find yourself facing the abrupt loss of your once invaluable 100% knowledge. The impact extends beyond that; it severs the ties with your community – the group of peoples with whom you shared challenges, successes, and countless experiences. This important moment demands a decision on a new system, beginning a journey of acquainting yourself with not only the new software but also with a fresh set of individuals. It's a reset, a new beginning – both with the software and the community that surrounds it. In my own journey, I transitioned from Magento 1 to Shopware 6. In this presentation, I will share the obstacles, challenges, and opportunities that emerged along this transformative path.

Tech Day PHPUnit for Shopware Developers

Tech Day - PHPUnit for Shopware Developers

If you want to be sure that your software works properly, you need to test it continuously. Automated tests save you from constantly pressing F5 in the browser and using debug statements like var_dump() in your code. They're also cheaper than manual tests and easier to implement than you might think. How do I test my code with as little effort as possible? How do I execute as few lines of code as possible to test what I'm really interested in? And what does all this have to do with clean code? In this talk you will learn why PHPUnit should not be missing in your toolbox.

Tech Day You asked, PayPal answers

Tech Day - You asked, PayPal answers

Everyone knows PayPal. But who are the people behind the company? What technology does it use? And how are new products developed? Two leading development engineers will be on stage to answer the community's most interesting questions, which were collected by us. Join us for an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at the technological marvel PayPal, which powers millions of transactions around the world.

Tech Day Let's build an app

Tech Day - Let's build an app

The Shopware App-System has one or two challenges in store. In this talk, two core developers from Shopware show tips and tricks that will make your life easier. The talk will not be all theory, Lennart and Max have developed an app especially for this talk to show you how to avoid common pitfalls.

Tech Day The importance of being engaged to the Shopware community

Tech Day - The importance of being engaged to the Shopware community

"Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much." — Helen Keller A group of committed people can reach remarkable results, which could never be achived by individuals alone. There is a powerful strength when individuals decide to "walk together" towards the same goal. There are incredible opportunities for us, as a Shopware community, to be a vibrant community, learn from each other, grow our ecosystem and achieve the extraordinary in the e-commerce world. The more we engage to the community, the stronger Shopware will become. This talk will present you some ways of effectively engage to the community. - Blogposts - Open Source Plugins - Slack - StackOverflow - Documentation - Shopware Feedback - Translation - Events: meetups, hackathons, unconferences

Tech Day whatTheFunc() - Live Interview

Tech Day - whatTheFunc() - Live Interview

Building and working in tech is hard & rewarding. whatTheFunc() leans into all of those dropped databases, releases that go “Boom!”, and the general mayhem that we find in this business… but with an eye on the successes that come from overcoming adversity and shipping amazing things.

Tech Day Demystifying Shopware PaaS

Tech Day - Demystifying Shopware PaaS

In this session, join Gauthier Garnier, VP of Channels and General Manager DACH at Platform.sh, as he unveils exciting new features for Shopware PaaS. Following this announcement, Vincent Robert from Platform.sh will demonstrate the seamless deployment process to Shopware PaaS, providing detailed insights into configuration and deployment best practices. Lastly, Oliver Skroblin from Shopware will share valuable insights into the performance optimizations and capabilities of Shopware PaaS. Join us for an in-depth exploration of Shopware PaaS and discover how these innovations can empower your ecommerce projects.

Tech Day Headless ecommerce with Shopware: the success story of Amencollection

Tech Day - Headless ecommerce with Shopware: the success story of Amencollection

In this speech, we will present the case study of Amencollection, a successful ecommerce entirely created with a headless architecture. The frontend was developed using Next.js, while the backend uses the APIs made available by Shopware. Methodology: Integration with various external platforms (Algolia, Pimcore, Salesforce, Scalapay and PayPal) was achieved by extending the Shopware core via apps and a system of serverless functions. Advantages: The headless architecture allowed Amencollection to achieve: Greater flexibility and scalability, allowing the site to easily adapt to ever-growing business needs. Constant and automatic updates, without the need for downtime or interruptions for the customer. Event-based system for an optimized user experience, with smoother and more responsive navigation. Conclusion: The case of Amencollection demonstrates how a headless architecture based on Shopware can enable the creation of high-performance, scalable e-commerce sites capable of offering a high-level user experience.

Tech Day Things you may not know about the Shopware DX improvement

Tech Day - Things you may not know about the Shopware DX improvement

In this talk, we shed light on what you may be missing and what has been improved so far in Shopware DX

Tech Day shopware-cli the swiss-knife for Shopware development

Tech Day - shopware-cli the swiss-knife for Shopware development

Shopware-cli is a Go CLI application that can help you with your daily tasks with Shopware. Soner will talk about the three perspectives of the CLI as an Extension Manufacturer, Extension Developer, and, of course, a complete Shopware project, from publishing your extension to the Shopware store to creating new projects and synchronizing configurations like theme coloring and system settings.

Commerce Day The Keynote

Commerce Day - The Keynote

Commerce Day Product News – All the latest from Shopware

Commerce Day - Product News – All the latest from Shopware

Each month, Shopware releases new features and functionalities designed to break new ground in digital commerce. In my talk, I'll introduce you to the cutting-edge solutions we've recently crafted to streamline and enhance your daily operations. I'll offer a sneak peek at forthcoming features and discuss how they're engineered to address your challenges. Additionally, you'll gain insights into future innovations poised to transform the ecommerce landscape. We're set for an in-depth exploration of the product. Don't miss out!

Commerce Day No time, minimal resources: Shop success against the clock

Commerce Day - No time, minimal resources: Shop success against the clock

Few resources, limited time, and the need to present increasingly better product data in your store? We show you how you can generate great fashion data for your store using just these ingredients: limited time, low-quality input data, no desire to maintain anything manually, and AI.

Commerce Day Connecting commerce: Shopware’s strategy to unite merchants and customers in influencer marketing

Commerce Day - Connecting commerce: Shopware’s strategy to unite merchants and customers in influencer marketing

In the age of social media, marketing strategies are quickly and radically shifting from traditional advertising to targeted influencer and social media marketing. These approaches offer merchants considerable potential to attract customers and boost sales. My presentation will demonstrate how Shopware's features can effectively support you in these key areas – from the untapped potential of influencer marketing to the most effective social media strategies. Join us as we explore new possibilities.

Commerce Day Shopware Subscriptions: Turn browsers into loyal customers

Commerce Day - Shopware Subscriptions: Turn browsers into loyal customers

One of the standout trends in digital commerce is the continuous growth of subscription models – a lucrative approach that our merchants can already incorperate into their online stores by using Shopware Subscriptions. In my presentation, I'll showcase the adaptability of this tool in boosting customer loyalty and maximizing their lifetime value. Furthermore, we'll delve into the future of subscriptions within Shopware and the wealth of powerful features we have on the horizon.

This is how the SCD 2023 went down

Our partners

We truly appreciate the support offered by our sponsoring partners who make a significant contribution to the success of the SCD. We say thank you on behalf of the entire community!
